Southern Water came to BBCH to do a talk about waste fat in our drains. It was a very informative talk, explaining about the tens of thousands of litres of waste fat, cooking oil and grease that are poured down sinks every year. The hot fat, oil and grease cools and forms a mass which can then build up in our pipes. You might notice it when you get a blockage in your sink but the worst case scenario is it can cause extremely unpleasant flooding inside a property. As a result millions are spent every year unblocking pipes, maintaining and repairing the infrastructure. They came up with an idea, called a Gunk Pot, a reusable silicone container designed to hold cooled fats, oil and grease. You could pop it in the fridge till it goes solid, then wipe out the pot and put it in the regular rubbish bin. This will definitely help prevent any potential blockages. These little blue containers are available at reception.
